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Born:April 1, 1957
St. Louis, Missouri
Died:April 9, 2004
Santa Barbara,California

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“Sleep well, my love, while angels hold you near, until we meet again.”

He was my friend for almost 25 years and my love for almost 9. He came to me when I couldn't go on living and now he is gone. I have never met a more intelligent man. We hardly ever agreed on anything besides the fact that we loved each other. Each new insight, each new perspective that he gave me changed me and taught me that God likes variety.

Dearest Keith,

You were my Keith – my best friend, my lover, my encyclopedia of endless knowledge of far reaching subjects, my champion and defender, my comfort, my mechanic who could fix anything from cars to drains to guitars to the holes in my walls and who isn’t here to patch the hole in my heart that you have left where our souls met. I will miss your wry humor and the way your clear blue eyes twinkled when you smiled. I will hold you in my heart until God grants me the privilege of being with you again. Rest your tired soul until that day and when you wake, be weary and troubled no more.

I love you, Claudine.

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
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