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Born:December 20, 1966
Burlington, Ia.
Died:November 19, 2000
Steamboat Springs, Co.

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Your bubbling personality and great sense of humor filled the air, if you were within hearing distance! You made every minute of life count. Music was where your soul was "at home". You drank it in like a fine wine! You were so intelligent and capable of so many avenues, I'm sure it was hard for you to know which to devour first. We were certianly blessed by your ability to play the drums! The rythmn you put down sure did bring us up! You were a true friend and a loving son and brother. We were so proud of all of your accomplishments, but mostly we were proud of you, just for being you. We're thankful that you were with us for 33 years. Thank you for the music, laughs and the love. YOU were the music in my life.
Love always, Mom
Our Drummer
Added by Mom

Lee Ed Dan.jpg
Lee, Ed & Dan
Added by Mom

Curly Hair.jpg
We'll remember you
Added by Mom

Dori and Dan.jpg
Dori & Dan
Added by Mom

Our gift from Daniel
Added by Gramma

Daniel at Six.jpg
Dan at age 6
Added by Mom
Personal Notes

I didn't get to spend alot of time around Danny, so I really didn't get to know him as well as I would have liked to. I do remember his sense of humor, his ability to always make me laugh! I'm sure we would have had alot of fun together, just as we did when we were kids, in what now seems like too brief a moment. Goodbye Danny and thank you for blessing us all with the joy of having known you!

Added by Vince Pepple (Cousin)

You tried to tell me you were leaving............I didn't understand.
You said it would be fast, like stepping over a line. I'm glad it was fast and that you didn't suffer.
You came to visit me after your passing. I thank you for that. I feel you are very active today. But, I wish I knew where and how.
I love you, always

Added by Anonymous

I miss you, Daniel. The years don't really make it any easier. Today is 8 years to the date that I took that first photo of you that your mom put up on this site.
Our daughter asks about you all the time and tells me she misses you--it's all I can do not to cry.
So you got me today--I was sitting in Arby's with two friends from work and suddenly, Amazed came on. I burst into tears! It was almost as if you were there. I can't believe it. 8 years later and still noone compares to you...

Added by Anastasia

This is the poem I read the day I turned your ashes loose, in the ocean.

Lord grant me the strength not to dwell on my loss. Help me remember the details of his life with the love that he showed me. And grant me the courage to honor him by sharing those memories with others. Let him remember me as well and let him know that I will always love him. And when it's my time to pass over into your paradise, please allow him to be among those who will bring me on home.

Added by Mom

My Daniel,
I cannot believe it has been so long since I've last seen you. I miss you every day. I still hear you laugh. I still see you smile. I still remember running out of gas at 2 in the morning and pushing that damn truck UP the exit ramp, in heels no less!!! (and a week later running out again!)
Remember the rain? I do and always will. I have never before or since met a man with such compasion and strength, tenderness and such a sick sense of humor!
I hope my son is as good of a man. I hope someday to tell your daughter all the wonderful things you did for me, the tough times you helped me through. Perhaps I can share your words with her when life seems to be too much.
Thanks for being there for me when I needed you. I love you.

Added by Jenifer Wallin

How do I say how much I miss you, the thought of you it still to this day break's my heart that your gone. You were my hero growing up and I loved you so much.I still hear from mom about how much I remind her of you. I have come so far in life, I wish you could see just what I have accomplished. I smile when I remember all the funny oh god you were funny, the times you made me laugh now seem so magical. I hope you knew just how special you were to me and how much I loved you. I miss you there's no doubt about it but I fight every day because of you because you taught me that life should be lived to the fullest. You were the best uncle ever and my greatest hero. I love you and will always love you.

Added by April Snow

I still can't open my heart to love again because it still belongs to you.
I have made a new friend after you left us (Jenifer) and I sure hope she will tell me some more about you, cause it already seems as if life is too much...
Baby, I'm amazed by you.
Love, A.

Added by Anastasia
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