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Born:May 5, 1951
Lexington Ky
Died:February 8, 2004

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she was a good friend to anyone,she was always there to lend a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen.she would help anyone that needed it.she was my mom for 36 yrs  she was always there for me, she was my best friend ,mom if u can hear me i will always love u and think about u.she loved elvis,dalmations and her 4 children. my mom had a hard life growing up she always felt that she had to prove her self to her mom and brothers and sister in order to get their love . but it didnt matter after she got grown,they could love her or not she didnt care anymore. momma was a very prideful and stubborn woman and she would let know u know how she felt.  she will always be loved by her children and husband and grandchildren

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