If only I could bring you back For even just one day I'd tell you what you've meant to me Before you went away If only I could hold you now And kiss your handsome face I'd ask God to take me first And gladly take your place If only I'd have been there for you On that terrible day I'd take you by the hand, my son And walk with you all the way Dennis was known and loved by many. He had a big heart and was always smiling. He saw everything in a positive way, even if the situation was bad. He would never say no to anyone in need. If someone wanted a ride, Dennis would help..If someone needed a jacket, Dennis would help..Even if someone just needed a friend, Dennis was there. His friends were lucky to have him as a friend. His family was even luckier to have him as a son, a brother, a grandson, a nephew, & a cousin. Dennis is loved and missed very much by all who knew him. He will live on with beautiful memories in our hearts forever.