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Born:June 12, 1976
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Died:April 25, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Life Journey

Brockean Darrius Smith was called home by the Lord on April 25,2004 at 2:32 a.m. Brock was born to Gelemia Henderson and William Smith Jr. on June 12, 1976 in Philadelphia, Penna.

Brockean Smith attended the Philadelphia public school system and Elwyn Institute to train as custodian.

Brockean enjoys participating in marching bands and he loved music and video games. Brockean had a loving and fun filled adventurous spirit. Brockean loved people and he wanted to be a friend to everyone. Brockean enjoyed working at various carnivals and stadiums. Brockean was a quiet, peaceful, kindhearted young man. He would offer his assistance to anyone in need. Brockean was attuned and aware of the current news and events that he carried a cb scanner to give updates to family members and friends.
He loved to ride his bike throughout the city to visit family members and friends. Brockean was a wonderful son, brother, nephew and grandson.

Brockean leaves to mourn: his mother, Gelemia Henderson and brother, Daniel Henderson; grandmother, Anna Henderson, Four Aunts, Celene Henderson, Christianna Webb, Varleen Henderson, Patricia Smith; Two Uncles, Donzel and Kerwin; brothers William J and William T Smith: two sisters, LaQuisha L Washington and Shauranda Smith and father, William T Smith; a host of cousins and a host of friends.

The Sovereign God has informed Brockean that his earthly journey has been completed and God decided to bring Brockean to his heavenly destination. Brockean will be terribly missed but he remains in our hearts forever.

Sorrowfully submitted with love by his mother and family
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In Loving Memory of My Son
Added by Anonymous

Brock Memorial.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

To Brock, my dear brother in Christ - I thank God for your life, and although I didn't get to know you before, I'm so glad that I'll get to meet you in heaven. With love...
Added by Donna
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