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Born:June 11, 1992
Bellefonte, PA
Died:June 23, 2003
Milesburg, PA

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Susie, my Susie...the most beloved animal I have ever known; she brought so much joy to my life and I miss her greatly!  The first time I met Susie, she was five weeks old and we immediately connected even though all the pups looked identical.  After looking at all the pups, my husband and I said we would come back.  On our way out, and without provocation, Susie followed us down a long flight of stairs (we were in the truck before we noticed her).  We both got out and my husband took her back to her mother who was now worried about the missing pup and heading towards us.  We knew that Susie wanted us and even called her by that name.  She cuddled under my husband's arm and whimpered when we left.  That very night, Susie's mother was killed by a car and a phone call from the owner was received asking if we could pick her up right away.  She, too, noticed how Susie wanted to be with us.  The pups were transferred to another location and we were given instructions where to pick her up.  While driving to the new location, I wondered if she would remember us or if we could pick her out of the identical pups.  As we approached the make-shift kennel, absent their mother, all the pups came running to the front...except Susie.  Susie waited in the background and when we called her by her name, she proudly butted in front of the yipping pups and waited for us, not a whine or a bark, just a reassurance of our promise to come back for her.  At that point, my question had been answered...would we know which one was Susie and would she remember us?  I knew it was the right choice for both of us.  In the years that followed, Susie was the most attentive and appreciate adolescent we could have ever asked for.  Never did she show aggression, she was very respectful and extremely eager to please.  She died when she was 11 years and 12 days old.  She endured great pain and never complained.  She lost so much weight and could barely walk, but you would never see it, she loved us and would forever be our beloved Susie.  I am writing this today because she died today and I want everyone to know she was the best dog ever and I can't wait to see her in our next life.

Thank you for your view. By the way, my dog was a wonderful and beautiful Rottweiler.


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Personal Notes


I know you are busy out hunting rabbits and enjoying your new-found freedom, but I wanted to let you know my heart and soul are forever devoted to you. I love you so are such a pretty girl!

Added by Judy Stahlman
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