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Born:January 1, 1965
East Anglia, Norfolk England
Died:June 24, 2003
East Anglia, Norfolk, England

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Height: 6'2" (as of July 1999) 
Weight: 150 - 155 pounds (estimated)
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Favorite Color: Dark green/blue/earth colors

Nick names: My prince charming [given by Moira Lawrence-Mother]Fruitcake[given by online friends in general], Laurie/Teddy[given by Aldeena Akhirudin], The Lawrence boy[neighbors and close friends in the community], Valor [given by late father], Theo, Matty[given by Ann Lawrence-sister], Leopold [given by Sarra], My smile [ given by Folle/Aleximaus], Snugbug(Dinah) Savior dude (Brennan)

Theodore Matthias Lawrence lived in East Anglia, Norwich all his life. He grew up there and later attended University of East Anglia Norwich Norfolk where he received his Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts and Business Management.

As a little boy, he loved to draw, paint, carve and play the flute, piano and violin. At age 5, he would try to draw the same pictures his kindergarten teacher drew. It was obvious to nearly all of his teachers throughout schooling that Theodore would someday be a professional artist of some kind.

After graduating from college, Theodore worked for a short time at a sign company in Norwich. In July of 1983, he began working as a lettering artist. His talent as a calligrapher and lettering artist eventually lead him to a freelance career.

After the death of his father he took it upon himself to take over the family business.He also took time to join in community charities and events. He was able to get along well with both of his parents, balancing their diverse characteristics and emotional traits.

He devoted most of his life and time to others. Always putting them first before himself.

Theodore Lawrence ( at 9 years or age)
Added by Moira Lawrence (Mother)
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Beloved son, brother, friend and kindred spirit to many.

It's a special day in Heaven
Angels greet you with a song
Welcoming your presence,
In the place where you belong.

I'll look for you each night
As the stars begin to shine
And thank you for the years
Your life entwined with mine.

Although I'll miss you always,
I know your free from pain.
I'll keep you in my heart
Until the day we meet again.

Added by Anonymous
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