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Born:February 19, 1985
Tahlequah, OK
Died:August 3, 2001
Muskogee, OK

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Kyle Lee was one of a kind. He was the sweetest person that one could ever come in contact with. He had the biggest heart that started to show early in life. He brought smiles, joy, tears, and happiness to all who knew him or even came across. He was definately the type of person that leaves a big footprint in your heart. He always had a big smile and hug for you, rarely ever did you see him upset or having a bad day. Kyle was the type of person who made the best out of every situation. He was a great kid any mother would have been glad to call him her own. As alot of mothers would agree. He was a great kid with a huge heart.

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Personal Notes

I will always remember calling u a staw bag staw bag when you cried while we rode my pony... and I will never forget the JOHN WAYNE'S TEETH song. I love you and miss you Kyle Lee.. you will forever be in my heart.
Added by Heather Brooke
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