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Born:February 25, 1904
Died:January 28, 1995

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This person started out as my aunt on my fathers side. When I was six years old she took me into her home cause my parents were divorcing and no one else wanted me. My real mother was never there when I needed her and she left me alone even when I was a small infant. So this woman became the only mother that I ever really knew. I remember so many good times we had when I was living with her and my uncle,like when we would be in the kitchen baking or going to the malls shopping or just sitting at the kitchen table talking. Even when I grew up,graduated high school,got married and moved away,we were still close and whenever I needed someone to talk to she was always there. This woman taught me so very much,especially how to make it on my own. If it had not been for her I do not know what my life would have been like. She was and always will be my mother and my very best friend.

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Personal Notes

In 1999 I met the man who God had chosen for me and we were married in 2001. I know if you could meet him you would have loved him to. But even though my life is happy and fulfilled now there is times when I wish you were here. I miss you so very much and I will always love you.

Added by Elizabeth Doseck Usher-daughter
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