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Born:December 23, 2003
Ottawa, Illinois
Died:December 24, 2003
Peoria, Illinois

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Austin Patrick Breen was born at 12:50pm by emergency c-section. I had a placental abruption at 33wks of pregnancy which also caused an amniotic fluid embolism. This embolism also killed me, but they were able to bring me back. They were unable to keep my baby alive, except for about 12 hrs that he was on life support. But, Austin was completely brain dead due to lack of oxygen. Now, he is our little angel. We will always love him, and be sad at missing out on watching him grow up.
Personal Notes

Austin is missed by his maternal grandparents, William & Sharon Hill, his paternal grandparents, John & Marion Breen, his paternal great-grandmother, Alice Breen, his Aunts, Elizabeth Hill, Diane, Carolyn, and Alice nee Breen, and Tracey Breen,his Uncle Johnny Breen, his sisters, Brittani Hill, Maeghen Breen, and Mikaela Breen, his brothers, Patrick & Damian Breen, numerous cousins, and, most of all, his parents, Patrick & Shannon Breen.
Added by Mommy & Daddy
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