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Born:April 16, 1949
Sydney, Australia
Died:August 27, 2003
Melbourne, Australia

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My dearest Mum, Princess Penny as she preferred to be called was the most generous person I have ever known. She loved helping people nothing was ever too much trouble, she was always helping others whenever she could. She had an amazing jest for life; she was fun to be with, loved meeting new people, and was never afraid of an adventure. 

We all know she achieved many things in her life, too many for me to go on about.
The proudest thing that I can share is that mum, as stubborn as she was sometimes, accepted people into her life not only as friends but as “Family”.

Mum was the best even when she had her down days – she never complained about her pain and her fears. We are proud of our mum and her courage to battle her disease. She had 8 short months to fill with an eternity of hopes, dreams, love and cuddles.

I am thankful that I got to spend so much time with mum before she passed away. To just be together and make those extra special memories. Mum made everyday count no matter how bad it was. And I think that is a lesson we all have to learn. No matter how tough life is or what battles it throws at you, you have to keep going because none of us know what tomorrow will bring.

I find each day different to deal with. Some days I pull through easily and others I find really hard to cope with. I miss mum so much. I just want to give her a hug or have our usual really long chat on the phone. Just to hear her voice one more time. I don’t know how others feel but I find it difficult to remember different things about mum, I can’t remember what her voice sounds like anymore or the touch of her hand.

I believe that the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the HEART, and my heart tells me purely that I will always love my mum.

The Musketeers Forever Mum

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Personal Notes

Penny was such a great person, I wish I got to know her even better before she passed, but I know she had a heart of gold, and loved her kids, and grandkids enormously. She had a vibrant personality, and I know she is happy wherever she is right now. I miss you heaps.
Added by Shell

My Twinkle Nanny was a great person and loved everyone. She was always kind and generous.I miss her very much. She was just like me, very talkative but very loving.
I wish she was still here today.
Love you always Twinkle

Added by Love Ashleigh

You always lite up everyones face
with your bubbly presence
and your giggle then cack then laugh.
There are those that pass through life and are never noticed.
There are those that pass through life and are remembered for something they said or did
BUT there are only a rare few that pass through life
and are simply remembered with a smile and warmth

Added by Russell -your loving brother
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