She was the oldest of 2 children; She is survived by her loving husband, Timothy Albert Sharkey and 3 children: Mary Alice, Carol Ann, and Timothy A. Jr. She lived life to the fullest, and fought a brave battle with cancer down to the bitter end. She is the daughter of Jose and Maria Concepcion Bribiesca, who both are deceased.She attended San Agustin School, where she also taught religious education. She helped her parents with thier restraunt bussiness. A small place where they made fresh hot sandwiches. The place was called "Canelas Lunch Stand". She was a kind, unselfish person. She was all about sharing with the unfortunate, and of caring for her parents when they no longer could care for themselves. She was an ideal mother,wife, and daughter. She was active in her childrens' schools, and was a board member of the PTA. She fought hard to have a park built for children to have a place to play, and to deter them from dangerous surroundings. She once helped a young man who was jailed for drug abuse, by talking to his Probation Officer and Judge. This young man then turned his life around, and made a career with the Marine Corps. To this day, the young man still remembers how my mother helped him, when no one else would; not even his parents. She had a kind heart, even for those that took advantage of her and who hurt her. She was the victim of many of Prejudices, and of discrimination in her time. In Laredo, back in my mothers day the hispanic people were treated like the black people; having to ride in the back of buses, etc. She was the backbone of the family. She was not one for gold, or finer things. We lived in a house directly behind my grandparents home, where she was able to look after her parents. A small one bedroom wood frame home, that was given to her as a wedding present. (later other rooms were added)She was the victim of jealousies too, by her younger brother. My mother never uttered an unkind word about anybody, and when others were unkind towards her she would just smile and never dwelled on it. She was a tower of strength, and of courage. Many people knew her and liked her. On the day of her funeral mass, a group of women she has known for a long time stood up and sang a song while walking around in a circle inside the church, as thier last goodbye to her. It was beautiful.