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Born:March 3, 1946
Died:June 10, 2004

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Jimmy David Lindley of Enterprise (Goodman Community) died Thursday, June 10, 2004 at the Southeast Alabama Medical Center following an extended illness. He was 58.
Funeral services were held at the First FreeWill Baptist Church on Sunday, June 13th, with Rev. Greg Ramsey and Kenneth Mayo officiating. Burial followed at the New Home Cemetery with Patterson-Sorrells Funeral Home directing.
Mr. Lindley was a native of Pell City, Alabama having lived in Coffee County and the Goodman Community for the past 30 years. He was a member of the First FreeWill Baptist Church in Enterprise as well the Masonic Lodge. He worked with Alabama Power for a number of years.
Survivors include his wife, Sharon Mayo Lindley, Enterprise, Al, 4 sons, Keith Lindley (Cheryl), Jeremy Lindley (Sherry), Doug Lindley (Tammy) and Michael Lindley (Starr) all of Enterprise, 2 brothers, Bobby Lindley, Auburn, Al, Ricky Lindley (Terri), Fultondale, Al, 10 grandchildren, Joshua, Christopher, Gabriel, Hannah, Nickolas, Adrianna, Jacob, Kaitlyn, Noah and Sean. Several nieces and nephews.

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Unrelenting Love
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

You will be missed deeply. I love you and thank you for always loving me. You will always be my "Second Daddy" and I thank God that you were in my life. Tell Mama and Daddy "hello" and I will see you all again one day.
Love, Tammy

Added by Anonymous

I loving memory of my father-in-law:

The days seem to pass quickly and still it seems hard to believe that you will not be coming to the next family get together. Christopher and Nickolas miss you desperately and often talk about their cherished memories of you.

I will always love you and miss you but I find peace knowing that you are well now and remain with God.

With all my love, Cheryl.

Added by Anonymous
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