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Born:April 13, 1954
Salt Lake City, Utah
Died:May 30, 2003
Salt Lake City, Utah

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He loved to write music, he produced his own CD.  But most of all he loved his kids:  Jackie Lenn, Jarica Jean, Jennifer of Texas,(Step)Jessica Lou and Jeremy David, many images come to mind whenever I speak your name; It seems without you in my life things have never been the same. What happened to those lazy days when I was just a child; When my life was consumed in you in your love, and in your smile. What happened to all those times when I always looked to you; No matter what happened in my life you could make my gray skies blue. Dad, some days I hear your voice and turn to see your face; Yet in my seems the sound has been erased. Dad, who will I turn to for answers when life does not make sense; who will be there for to hold me close when the pieces just don't fit. Oh, Dad, if I could turn back time and once more hear your voice; I'd tell you that out of all the dads you would still be my choice. Please always know I love you and no one can take your place; Years may come and go but your memory will never be erased. Today, Jesus, as You are listening in your home above; Would you go and find my dad and give him all my love.

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