Chancy Tyler was a loved grandpa,father,and husband. He died a very happy man.I didnt know him all of my life being his grandson,but i treasured him dearly. He was my only granda. I have heard so many great stories about him. My mother Bobbie (doughter)as he liked to call her loved him very very much. Kenneth My dad said Chancy was like a father to him since his died sometime ago. (FACTS ABOUT CHANCY:)He an electricions helper on a SUB.Although u may think he fought in WWII he did not. He had five grandkids that loved him dearly as well as three kids two boys one girl that loved him as well. He really really really liked bowl weavel, in the bowl weavel parking lot is where he died a fast not agonising death. I can remember he loved food so much he just couldnt wait for it to be served. IN LOVING MEMORY OF CHANCY TYLER.