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Born:June 27, 2002
Lexington, Kentucky
Died:May 7, 2004
Lexington, Kentucky

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We only shared life with our "Madi" for 22 short months, but those months were some of the brightest days of our families lives.  Madison was a joy to all who came to know of her, she touched everyone in a very special way.  Madison was a very well-behaved child with so much sincere love for her family.  She could be comical but very caring also.  She was truly an "Angel" while on this earth.  Madi, lives on today through the organ donor program.  We question the cruelty of our loss, but we believe she had a purpose in her short little life.  She is sadly missed by her family!
We sent things to heaven with Madi that she loved while on earth..Elmo in Grouchland is now the special feature in Heaven as well as everyone is sharing the waffle she took with her. Madi is now dressed in her beautiful dress and pretty white shoes, she shines as bright as the stars and is waiting for us to be together one day in heaven.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
You Are my Sunshine
Added by Mami
Personal Notes

Madi, I miss you so very much, I guess I've convinced myself, that you are coming back home to me very soon, its just a night mare and someone will wake me real soon! I want to hold you and kiss you and tell you how very much I still love you! You will always be my "Angel"!
Added by Love Always, Mami
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