Timothy was born in Franklin Square, NY to Charles and Lorraine Andrei on July 25, 1958. He excelled in sports and attended Sewanhaka High in NY, however, he graduated from Port Charlotte High School in Florida, in 1976. He paid for his own college education working full-time at a Food Spot convenience store and went on to get his Master's Degree in Marine Biology from University of Miami. He worked for 23 years for Motorola and never missed a day of work. He was only 7 years away from retiring and pursuing his education in Marine Biology with hopes of becoming a college professor. His hobbies were his HAM radio (KF4BYL), bicycle riding, swimming and all things computer. Tim was married to Gladys Cecile Da Costa on January 11, 2002, they had been friends for 16 years and lived together since New Year's Eve 1999. Although their married time together was brief, it was filled with much love and an undying commitment to one another. "He rescued the little bird with the broken wing, when no one else but her Mom believed in her. He loved her and cared for her and told her how beautiful she was every day and how lucky he was to have her. She loved him and always would. When he saw that she could fly alone, he did as well." His generosity, devotion, loyalty and sincerity made him special to many. He always had a smile on his face and knew just what to say to put a smile on yours. Tim was diagnosed with Primary CNS Lymphoma in November 2003. He survived three chemotherapies and 28 radiation therapy treatments with his wife holding his hand, sleeping with him in the hospital, never leaving his side and when nothing else could be done, he was taken home to be cared for by Gladys, whom he often referred to as his Angel. If love could have saved him, he would still be here, but instead he was called home to the loving arms of our Lord on Mother's Day, May 9, 2004 at 10:21 p.m. He slipped away in the loving embrace of his wife and Mother-in-law. He is survived by Gladys Andrei, his wife; Lorraine Andrei, his Mother and also by Regina Da Costa, his Mother-in-law.