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Born:August 12, 1961
Died:June 20, 2004
Albuquerque , N.M

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She was the best person in the world. She loved every one and always tried to make them comfortable.She always was a wonderful cook, she did'nt know to make a little, she always made enough for alot of people. She was a great friend , wife and mother. She was always the greatest at being a grandmother.Her life was her family. She was always trying to make her family happy, even before herself.She taught us kids that our friends and family was always the most important thing. It did'nt matter what anyone had done or did'nt do. You always treated everyone the way you would want them to treat you.She liked everyone to call her mom . She helped alot of people out with their problems. She was always a mom to everyone.She was the greatest mom in the world to her children and to others.
samantha and felipe.jpg
Her favorite litte people in her life....Her Grandchildren ,Samantha and Felipe.
Added by DeeAnne

mom pics.bmp

Added by Anonymous

mom snd jim wedding.bmp
Her wedding to Jim
Added by DeeAnne

mom and felipe.bmp
This is my mom and Felipe
Added by DeeAnne

mom and sam.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Glenda was one of the most beautiful people God ever created. She was so full of love and very giving. She was the mother of all mothers and the mother of all. She was a very special friend and will be greatly missed by everyone whose life she touched. Goodbye my friend, I love you.
Added by Dee Ann Barteau
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