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Born:March 26, 2001
Conroe, Texas
Died:January 4, 2004
University of Kentucky Children's Hospital, Lexington, Kentucky

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I close my eyes and I can see and hear her running down the hall, her cat piper hot on her tail...she's squealing in delight as piper grabs the hem of her nightgown....She and I in the bathroom brushing our teeth....Her and her Da-Wee running around the living room playing with each other.  I see her on christmas morning...excited about all the presents Santa brought.  I see her helping me unload the dishwasher...helping me make muffins for Da-wee to take to work with him....Folding washrags almost perfectly...lining up her baby dolls in front of the tv and giving them all a book and then sitting on the couch with a notebook saying she's doing her homework like Sissy.
She was everyone's favorite little goober. Bright happy smile, big beautiful green eyes...long wavy brown hair....our precious angel...What happened to her she did not deserve...and I wish...GOD, I wish I could go back in time and make people listen. This is for you,'re forever in our hearts, minds...and in our lives. I promise we will teach Bubby all about you and make sure he knows how much you loved your "baby brudder". Sissy misses you and loves you always. We'll never forget our Angel.

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

We love you, Abby.
Added by Anonymous

She was a sweet and loving from
the very beginning.
I only wish I had the chance
to know her better.

Added by h. ward

I will always remember how beautiful she looked in her christening gown. I thought she looked like an angel. I am grateful to have played a small part in that special occasion. She brought a lot of joy to her family and touched the lives of people she barely knew. She is now and will always be the beautiful angel I remember. I send my love and prayers to her family.
Added by Karen
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