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Born:February 14, 1930
Saranac Lake, New York
Died:October 19, 1996
Wilmington, N.Y,

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Our father was the greatest. He fought MS for years as well as heart trouble. He was a very hard worker until his sickness forced him to retire. through the years he maintained a positive attitude while dealing with his disability. He was a born again christian and loved his God with all of his heart. Before he died, he was able to bestow his blessings upon his 6 children. He also had 23 grandchildren and a few great-grandchildren. He is missed dearly, but we do not wish him back as we know he is in heaven and his health is restored. Someday soon we will see him again.

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Personal Notes

I cant wait to see you again dad. I miss you alot. I think of you when im camping with my family, as those were my favorite times with you.
Added by Your son, bernie
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