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Born:January 29, 1986
Fayette County
Died:April 25, 2003

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Jacob was always known for his beautiful smile and his ability to make everyone happy just by being around him.  He was always willing to give a helping hand and would do anything to always help out.  Jacob loved Christmas time because he would dress up like Santa Claus and get his picture taken with children at the Leesburg Library.  All children loved him, especially all his nieces and nephews.  Jacob was also involved in Boyscouts where he accomplished many great tasks and was only two badges away from becoming an eagle scout.  Jacob was looking forward to graduating high school and continuing his education in Drama.  He loved to be involved in plays and was always a great actor.  He would have made a lot of people smile.  Jacob was not only a good friend, perfect son and a fun uncle, he was the best brother anyone could ask for. Jacob will always be a part of me and although it hurts to not have him here with me, It makes me smile to know I was blessed to have someone so special apart of my life for seventeen years.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Jacob, your thought of everyday. I love you little brother.
Added by Amber

Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I miss you dearly. Your love and passion for life and all of nature is something that I promise to pass on to Lizzi and Alex. I love you and I'll see you in my dreams.
Love Always,

Added by Anonymous

My heart is broken without you here with me. I miss your laughter and that beautiful smile. You will always be in my every thought and in my dreams until we see each other again
Added by Love, Mom
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