On Valentine's Day, 1983, this wonderful man walked into my life. From that day, until the day he was called away, every aspect of our lives, included each other. He taught me how to recognize and accept what it was like to be treated like a lady, and I, in turn, taught him, that not every woman in his life, would be unfaithful, or would walk out of his life, either by choice or by chance. He had a way of putting everyone around him at ease, just by being himself, and he made me feel so special just by choosing me to be his partner. At least twice a month, Bryon bought roses, and had them delivered to me, where ever I happened to be, at work, at home, at the grocery store, once even to a drive-in movie! He's been gone now for seventeen years, and I have not recieved flowers from anyone since. In all this time, there has been no one in my life who has even come close to filling this void in my life. Bryon was just an awesome person, and this memorial, if read by even one person, is just my way of telling him that I will always love and remember him.
Bryon loved to fish, even though he was alergic, he enjoyed spending time with family and friends, was witty and charming, always had a smile ready, and was usually the first person to offer a helping hand to anyone in need, whether known to him or not. Bryon was also the best auto mechanic I ever knew. He was laughingly refered to by his friends as the McGuyver of the auto industry, because of his ability to somehow, fix a broken down car, with next to no tools at all, if only just enough to get to the nearest auto parts store.
Bryon made friends wherever he went. An example of this is the fact that, even though I like to believe that he was perfect, he did have his faults and one of those was that he was an habitual drinker, and this had caused him to have his driver's lilcense suspended more often than he was actually allowed to drive, but, during the course of going to court all the time for driving under suspension, he somehow managed to become close personel friends with almost every officer on the small police force in Wellston. So much so, that we were regular guests in their homes, and they were in ours.
The one thing that I am certain of, is the fact that if you ever met Bryon, you would never forget him.