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Born:December 29, 1985
Big Rapids, Michigan
Died:August 18, 2003
Rogers Heights, Michigan

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Nick was a 17 year old boy who loved very LOUD music (especially Rap music), his Red Chevy S-10 truck, riding/attempting stunts on his BMX bike, skateboarding, bowling, and learning to play the guitar. He has 3 brothers, 2 dogs, and Mom & Dad at home. Nick liked to tell "dirty jokes",and had magazine pictures galore of girls & trucks posted on his bunk-bed. Nick also "wired" his bed for sound! It boomed as loud as his truck stereo! He loved to draw too, but didn't think he really could. EVERYONE who saw his drawings knew otherwise! He drew many cars and trucks, very life-like drawings of girls, and of course, he drew cartoons. Nick wrote some poems too. My favorite poem he wrote was about "HUGS". (We had it read at his funeral and everyone who attended received a copy to take home). Nick drowned on August 18,2003, as a result of being "pulled-under" water by the current, while having fun swimming with his friends in the Muskegon River.
Nick's Chevy S-10 at Silver Lake Sand Dunes, MI
Added by Mom
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Added by Anonymous
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