PomPom was the smartest dog on the planet. Early on we taught him tricks and rewarded him with doggie goodies when he learned the trick. Well, he caught on pretty quick that in order to get the goodies, he had to do a trick. Well ... he would do ALL of the tricks in rapid succession without being asked when he saw we had a goodie for him. That's my PomPom. During Christmas time, he knew there would always be a present under the tree for him. Soon after we placed the wrapped present under the tree, he would go snooping to find out which one was for him. We would find wrapped presents with little holes in them as he searched for his present. He would eventually find it and would open the present. He loved opening presents, he would help the family open their presents also. He was always happy with the presents he received and would play with his toys all year long. That's my PomPom PomPom loved to run. When we would take him a bath, he would have so much energy that he would go bolting out of the bathroom as fast as he can running around the house. I still don't know why giving him a bath gave him so much energy. He loved running at the park and couldn't wait to get out of the car to explore. That's my PomPom