Diane was the best thing that ever happened to my life & soul. She truly balanced my life & my spirit. She was my "blood pressure pill". God created sparingly, souls that mean that much to other people, that they become a life support means. Diane & I were like twins in the way we thought & looked at life & each other. She just meant that much to me & I to her. She did not like being away from me as much as I did not like being away from her. Bonded by thought & action. I know some of my friends, thought it was a bit unhealthy being so close, but I realized this was our life & we were happy as clams. Look up "codependency" in the dictionary & you will see our picture of us hugging close. I used to joke that I would break down & get a regular job, & she knew I probably never would; "Besides, I like you home with me" she would chime. Diane would also say, "I like it this way", because I would not have to leave for an early morning commute. She was never materialistic. A simple loving, caring relationship meant the universe to Diane & I. Truth be known, I was more the materialistic type, but now I could care less. I said, "I wanted to be sent into space with some of my cremated remains in a little cylinder", because they are offering this new service where you float in orbit for aprox. 50 yrs than drop & burn up in the upper atmosphere. Diane just chimed without hesitation "As long as I am with you". I loved her so much! I never met anyone like her, nor will I ever find a soul as bright as hers. The world is a lesser place without her bright soul & smile.