Jamie was born on a cool, brisky Thursday evening, on March 11, 1976. He was my second and middle child of 3 boys.
As a child growing up, Jamie was always trying to please. He did things at the young age of 4 and 5 that I had never experienced seeing another child his age do. I would come in and find him standing in a chair trying to wash dishes and the sight of him in mind (at the age of 7) on that huge riding mower, mowing the grass, I'll never forget. Jamie kept this pace up through his 19 years, although pier pressure had started to take it's toll on him. The pleasing child that he was growing up, seemed to also apply to his piers. Jamie's choices that he made weren't all good one's but to him, they were his friends and it's so very hard to compete with them because to some, it's just "not cool." Through it all and through his pressure, I knew that he still had that little boy wanting to please in him.
The tragedy came on a warm sunny, Saturday afternoon on July 15th.1995,when Jamie decided to end his life. We didn't get to say good-bye.
Jamie was air lifted to the Memphis Regional Medical Trauma Unit where he was declared brain dead and remained on life support while awaiting our decision of organ donation. It didn't take us long to make the decision because we knew what our son would have wanted.
The following day, Sunday, after Jamie had been on support for 24 hours. There was no signs of hope. It was decided that the support be shut down. Jamie was pronounced dead at 5:20 Sunday, July 16th, 1995.
My favorite quote is: "Say I Love You Today,Tomorrow May Be Too Late".
Thank God I did tell my son this before it was too late. I will always remember Jamie as "the child that always wanted to please." I can only hope that someday, someway, I will be fortunate to meet the recipients of his organs.
Today Jamie is pleasing God.
I'll always be your "pumpkin", my sweet Angel... and I'll never forget your "snoopy kisses"
- Forever loving you, Mom