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Born:January 23, 1941
Dublin Ireland
Died:December 1, 1998
London UK

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Mum was diagnosed with Cancer in January 1997. I had just found out that I was expecting my first baby, and Mum was looking forward to becoming a Nanny....this was her main priority in fighting the Cancer and to live to see her grandchild. My Daughter was born in October 1997, and Mum had made it to the delivery room to be with me to see her first grandchild born. That moment was special to us both as she was so determined to be there when I gave birth. Gradually over the next few months she had become weaker with the illness, but she never let it get her down. 
Her next prority was to see me get married, which was in July 1998 and that was the happiest day of my life that my Mum was there to see me walk down the aisle, although she was very ill, she never let it get her down on the day. Over the next 4 months she went downhill and at her wish she was admitted into a hospice, and on the 1st December 1998 she passed away with me and my Brother at her side. In a way I know she was going to a better place where she will be free of pain, but sad that she is no longer here with me.
Scince Mum passed away I have had 2 other Daughters, which I know Mum will be very proud of, and they are always going to know how special Nanny was......The girls know her as "Nanny Stars".
start of treatment 97.JPG
Mum after having treatment, she never let it get her down
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes


You are forever in my thoughts always and forever.
I know you are watching down on me and the girls: Sian, Ellie and Libby. Sian is always talking about "Nanny Stars", and we watch our home videos and always speaking about you. Even though Libby is still very young she will be told all about her special Nanny and how much you are loved by us all. Love you loads Never forget xxx

Added by Anonymous

My mum, forever remembered never forgotten.
Added by David
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