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Born:September 19, 1966
St Louis, MO
Died:August 5, 2004
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

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What can i say about Alan Mann? well hes the dang most fun person to be around.  He was hilarious..the best sense of humor.  When you around him, you could not help but smile. Always a joke..or some funny comment.  He was an amazing father; an amazing uncle. A loving husband. He was a great guy..who loved his family. and they loved him.  wed been best friends since i can remember. He was the best man at my wedding.  Another thing about Alan.. he loved to ride his motorcycle. he loved taking people for rides on it. He also had a passion for horses.  He always invited me to go with him, Nic (his nephew), and Sarah (his niece..also know as skip), to go horseback riding.  Good times.  Such a funny guy.  Even when he would be having a really bad day,he would still smile and try to make us laugh. Even while he was on his death bed..he told us all not to cry.  He always thought of others.  That was Alan. Funny. Caring.  He is loved and missed greatly by all who knew him.

Added by Anonymous
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You are right, Roy. I miss him so much...
Added by Skip

yehaw! yeah skip i miss him too. His horse buckaroo is so lost without him..not to mention all of us.
Added by Nic

yall remember last years haloween party on the farm? that was hilarious! when al jumped out of the treet and scared the crap out of steph, nic, skip and roger...i was laughing so much i was crying.
Added by Ron
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