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Born:September 25, 1996
Died:November 13, 2000
vets office

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I can remember all the way back when we brought our little fur baby home. So small so tender so full of love. But, as you grew older you became sick so we took you to the vet they said that you could get surgery and then you should be fine so we said to go ahead and give you surgery. The surgery helped and day, by, day you would get better. We really got our hopes up. One day you just got sick and all the sorrow came back. You were soo close to getting all better.I looked in your eyes and I knew that you were telling me that your time has came. you said please let me go. I told you no I can help you get better but, I knew I was being selfish. In tears I drove you to the vet. I asked the vet if I could do something other then put you to sleep. He said that they could keep you there and I could visit. But, I knew that the best thing to do was to put you down. The vet already knew. So I said good bye until we meet at rainbow brige. And then she died.

I want to remind all pet oners that surgery DOESN`T always work out like you hope so NEVER get your hopes up until you`re sure
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