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Born:December 8, 1974
Houston Tx
Died:January 7, 2004
Alvin Tx

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Remember the bus? How about tne car?  (The new or the old!)Boones Farm Traviling Road Show! His David Corish Hair! Scum Bum Boone! the jam room!!! man that was a lot of carpet! The box wine phase, The parties!!!!!!!! The blue bathroom.! The black gituar, the cat,the coffee table - or what was left of it after big Shane and Boone got threw with it! the shiny low rider in the garage- Im still sure Boone wanted to jack up the cougar!!!! the talks - the fights - the theries- on everything! weatherford, eckerds and all the jobs in -between.  the trips to mexico hears my favriote-   the deer!!!  still buried in the backyard may I add!  I hope the new owners at ney don't try to install an under ground pool!  The band. Rick, nevil, big shane,Bill little shane, feliece, stephen, terry, stacey, robin, pudge, josh and every one else im forgeting the memorys are to many to count but he was truly loved and even if he did not know it when he was with us i know he knows it now. thank you all for being there for my brother, his freinds were his life and all of you, were his family.

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Personal Notes

I love you brother- we miss you always
and I finaly know what ill tell Tori,
ill tell her that you love her and that we can all play chess in heaven

love Sister

Added by Dawnielle
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