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Born:July 16, 1995
Boston, MA
Died:July 15, 2003
Sarasota, FL

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Jolie was the sweetest, most loyal little dog that ever lived.  Her mommy, Bunny, & her daddy, Harry wanted to protect her and save her from pain forever. Of course, we couldn't do that.Jolie was born with many physical ailments that we could not anticipate.We are very angry at her breeders for not being more careful. Nothing was wrong with her wonderful, funny personality however. We are grateful for the almost 8 years we had with her, and wish we could have had many more.
Our beautiful girl
Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

A donation was made to help Lucky, a sick boy Peke in honor of our Jolie
Added by Mommy
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