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Born:January 28, 1984
Sparta, TN
Died:September 6, 2002
Sparta, TN

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Allen love basketball, baseball, his friends, family, and his truck. He was the type of guy who would have given his all just to make someone else happy. As children, Allen and I used to love going to the Dairy Mart for ice cream. I remember his bicycle chain messing up, and my dad fixing it for him. I remember him gathering nails for money from his dad, and then taking the same cup and adding more nails to what he'd already gathered - I wonder if Les ever figured out what Al was up to? When I was sixteen, I ran into Al at a gas station. He was telling me he didn't like my car because it had too much power and he told me he loved me and he was afraid I'd hurt myself, so he talked me into getting something different. Two weeks later, Al was killed when he fell asleep behind the wheel on Bockman Way in Sparta, hitting a pole containing a business sign. I never realized the impact Al had on so many people's lives until his funeral, but I'm glad that they got to know him. He was one of the sweetest guys I've ever known, and if anyone could have ever had the perfect personality, it was Al. I never really got the chance to tell him that I loved him, but I think about him everyday, and I pray that he knows how much I love him. He was loved by so many, and is missed very much. I love you, Allen, and I will never forget you.

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