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Born:July 1, 1961
Battle Creek Michigan
Died:September 10, 2004
Orange Park Medical Center

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Richard A Popenhagen Jr was Born 1 July 1961 in Battle Creek Michigan to the son of Richard A Sr and Gladys (Morehart) Popenhagen.  He was a graduate of Battle Creek Central High School in 1980.

He was a veteran serving the U.S. Army from July 9, 1979 to May 5, 1986. Also served in the Michigan Army National Gurard from December 12, 1986 to February 27, 1993. He recived Good Conduct Medal 2nd award, NonComisson Officer Award, Army Overseas 2nd award, Nation Defense Service Medal Desert Storm.

Richard was employed with Publix Supermarkets for 4 years an 4 years with Astral Pool Products Inc of Jacksonville Flordia. He was united in marriage to Gina Maire Swan on June 6, 1987, in Sturgis Mi. And deviorced in 1994.

Also are surving are life long partner William L. Lancaster of Jacksonville. Gladys M. Church of Battle Creek Michigan.

He is proeced in death by a step mother and both sets of grand parents, uncle.

He enjoyed doing family genealogy.

At the requet of family there will be no services. Cremation has already taken place.

Interment at Arlington National Cematery Norfolk Va. Arangements by Jacksonville Memory Gardens Orange Park Flordia.

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