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Born:February 9, 1958
Augsburg, Germany
Died:August 9, 2004
Topeka, KS

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He was a member of the Citizen Band of Potowatomie Tribe of Oklahoma.

Survived by a Step-mother Joyce Schwartz of Topeka, two daughters, Jaimie Daniels of Topeka and Heather Bolden of Colorado ,a step-son Sean Schroeder of Milwaukee step-daughter Jessica Lannan of Topeka, a sister Kristy Barnes of Ozawkie & eight grandchildren. Also surviving are his Soul mate Amy Dean, his best buddy Larry & beloved pets Rex & Harley the one eyed dog.

A strict man he lead by example and would readily sacrifice for the needs of the family to be met. More than once he sold his prize possession a Harley motorcycle to buy Christmas gifts or make the house payment only to buy it back at an inflated price.

A lover of the out of doors Don & his fishing buddy Larry took Don's family on many a fishing adventure, can't call them trips because too much would happen on any one outing for it to be anything less than an epic.

Don served as a Father ,friend, fishing instructor, hunting instructor, family peace maker, safety net for those who lost their way.

Don spent many years of his life online, he went by the name MidNightRider. Don had many friends and family online as well surviving.

In the last year of his life was brightened by Amy his soulmate & sweetheart. Amy, Don's children noticed a change in him and wanted me to publicly express their thanks.

When we leave this life & go to meet our Father in Heaven, all that we take with us is our knowledge and memories. As the family and friends of Donald Schwartz you have many memories to cherish write them down share them with one another & your children, treasure the pictures & mementoes of you time together.

In closing the family wanted a poem called To Remember me to be read at his service. Don's family choose to donate organs. Don now lives on in at least 3 people at this time, his love of life gave life to them.

To Remember Me
The day will come when my body will lie upon a white sheet tucked under four corners of a mattress located in a hospital busily occupied with the living and the dying. At a certain moment a doctor will determine that my brain has ceased to function and that, for all intents and purposes, my life has stopped.

When that happens, do not attempt to instill, artificial life into my body by the use of a machine. Don't call this my deathbed. Let it be called the Bed of Life, &
let my body be taken from it to help others lead fuller lives.

Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise
a baby's face or love in the eyes of a woman.

Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused
nothing but endless days of pain.

Give my blood to the teen-ager who was pulled from the
wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his
grandchildren walk.

Give my kidneys to one who depends on a machine to exist
from week to week.

Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my
body and find a way to make a crippled child walk.

Explore every corner of my brain. Take my cells, if
necessary, and let them grow so that, someday,
a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat
and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against
her window.

Burn what is left of me and scatter the ashes to the winds
to help the flowers grow.

If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weakness
and prejudice against my fellow man.

Give my sins to the devil.
Give my soul to God.

If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind
deed or word to someone who needs you.

If you do all I asked, I will live forever.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Mid was a wonderful friend who always took the time to talk to you whenever he was online. He took great care of my best friend Amy and for that I will be enternally grateful. Thank You Don for your laffs, love and most of all friendship. You will be forever in our hearts and prayers.
Added by Gigglez

Patience, understanding and companionship you offered so feely. Love you felt so strongly. Your time and presence in my life forever cherished. I only hoped I thanked you enough. The love you longed for you finally obtained... I only wish it had lasted longer.... you both were so deserving of it. In one of our conversations you feared dying alone and without love. *smiling* I'm so thankful you were happy.. and so very in love.....
Rest My MidNight.. and know you are forever in our hearts.

Added by Ashira

With all His luve He Greet's You,He hold's you to His heart,knows that Your special,God's presious work of Art.
His eyez are upon You,He truly luves You,He wanted You to know..His Wingz are there to cover,Protect You with great care,His heart there to luve You da answer to Your prayers,Forever He is watching to show You that He care's, with wingz of a special Man.we all luve You and will live alwayz in meh heart.

Added by .¤¿cr¥s†a£ €nge£¿¤ÐÐ

He was probably the nicest, most loving friend I've ever met. No matter what was going on in his life if I had a problem he'd be there to make sure I was okay. I knew him for 5 years, and I will forever miss him and love him.
Added by "The Pup"

Donald, my Love .. I adored every min and every thought we had together. You taught me to live again and to be happy just as You stated to me in a world of what we both knew as darkness there was finally a light. I miss You so much and will forever love You til we meet in the heavens above. You were a one of a kind amazing and loving man. You should me true love and gave me Your heart as i gave You all that i had to offer. I miss You Master and Love You Master
Added by Amy Your good Girlilla *s*

Happy Birthday I miss you so much and pray everyone is remembering all the good times and good things and great memories as i am trying to do but god its so hard Tears just know im trying.
Added by Anonymous

It has been years since we lost Mid Sir and yet it feels like just the other day i heard the news. Mid Sir was a very kind but stern Man. He was One of the very few Greats that i have had the pleasure of meeting and befriending. He may have only been my Friend for a short time, but in that time He became a very dear Friend. One i will always cherish. Many people come into our lives, but every now n then we meet someone who leaves an impression on our hearts and we are never quite the same. Mid Sir was one of these people and i will never forget Him or His kind words of friendship. He touched the lives of many people and will live on our minds and hearts. His body may have left this earth, but His soul and love lives on in those who He touched.
Mid Sir, may You rest in peace and ride forever among the angels.
Your friend,
to His "LilBrat": i truly hope You have found peace. I know You know He is with You always. His love lives on in You <3

Added by .·nemesis·.

My Last Ride
Author Unknown

My hands are clenched around chrome bars
the engine's rumble sounds so sweet.
I twist the throttle with my palm
and roar off down the street.

The slapping of my leathers
and raging winds on either side,
drum a beat of sweet contentment
as I ride last ride.

Alone on my tin pony,
to the heavens I've been called,
but fret not my dear loved ones,
I’m not lonely here at all.

The speedometer is just a blur
as tears blow from my eyes,
the bike and I roll forward
off into the calling skies.

I hope I touched your lives one day,
and left a treasured mark,
now I’ll ride on to FOREVER,
with your memory in my heart.

Added by Anonymous
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