Jason, was a son who made me so proud. Always had lots of chuckles, didn't matter what you where talking about. Jason's dad Bill and myself got married at a young age. Then a month later we conceived a little boy. Our marriage was not to be and we where soon divorced. He was such a beautiful baby. After 4-5 years I had lost contact with him. Bills family stepped in and thought they could do a better job raising him than I could. I had a heartbreaking 9 years, not knowing where he was. But we reunited when he was 14. My now husband Buz and I picked him up at his grandfathers in Ingersol. What a moment that was... we held hands most of the way home. We live in Strathroy. So from that moment on we where connected again. He spent the summers with us. We did alot of camping where we had a seasonal site for 15 years. When I was working he and our other son Aaron would sleep till noon then they would see what kind of trouble they could get into. I would sometimes give them chores to do. One day I asked him to pull out some shrubs, when I got home, here he was cutting the roots with a small chainsaw. He had worked at it for most of the afternoon. He said "after digging and chopping with an axe, it would not come out. Then I spotted the chainsaw downstairs." With that big grin on his face you could tell he was pretty proud of himself. Then he was off to college in Kingston. He grew up overnight. I'm sure the army had alot to do with that. My sister and I went to visit him at the base. He in his uniform showed us around, once in awhile he'd say " this is a top secret area, oh well, lets go in for a second". He grew in alot of ways, and became a very important part of many peoples lives. WE miss you Love Mom & Buz