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Born:July 18, 1933
Orsara, Italy
Died:October 22, 2003
Toronto, Ontario Canada

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My mother was the most important person in our lives. I don't even know where to begin.
She is beautiful,understanding, compassionate , so unconditional and tolerant.I know mum is with me everyday..I can feel her with me. I can feel her love that will continue until we meet again. There are no words to describe the way I feel. Mum knows her three kids love her very much.
Mum... you are forever in our hearts. I love you and miss you so much.I know you are with my babies mum. You love them so much. Enjoy them. Please tell Anton I love him and miss him. Life is not the same without you. We aren't the same. You took half of my heart
Continue giving me the strength and your visits.
love your little one,
mum with her babies.jpg

Added by MJ


Added by MJ


Added by Anonymous

My beautiful Mum.jpg

Added by Anonymous

Look Ma...I have my own'd love to see me ride...
Added by MJ
Personal Notes

You are everything I do and say.. I am proud to be your daughter forever.
Added by MJ

Ma, I know you visit me. I love you and miss you so much. your little one MJ. Feb 19-05
Added by MJ

mi ricordero` per sempre quella sera quando io stavo alungata sul divano e tu mi hai carezzato la faccia.
ti prego di darmi i segni che stai attorna a me.
I miss you mammina.

Added by rosanna

Hi Ma, I love you and miss you so much. I know Anton is with you. Please know Anton is happier where he is with you. He loves you so much.
I miss both of you so hurts
your little one

Added by MJ

Dove sei, perche non to fai vedere. I miss you mammina, Io so che tu vuoi che non devo piu piangere per te ma come faccio.
I love you mammina.

Added by rosanna

Dove sei, perche non to fai vedere. I miss you mammina, Io so che tu vuoi che non devo piu piangere per te ma come faccio.
I love you mammina.
Nov 4 2006

Added by rosanna

"Ma.....Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell."
I love you ma...I can't even begin to tell you how much Frank misses you.
OXOX please visit us...ok? and please take care of Anton and I'm sure he's taking care of you.

Added by your youngest.

Ma, I celebrated your birthday with flowers, memories of you and of course tears.
I miss you so much. We all do.
There will never be another woman, mother, friend like you.
your little one

Added by MJ
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