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Born:San Diego, California
Died:July 13, 2003
Columbia, South Carolina

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Bill was a humanitarian, an advocate, a patriot, and an endearing friend.  He was employed with the S.C. School for the Deaf and Blind. A former USMC "Top Gun" pilot,
he enjoyed years of dedication to his country. He was an advocate of human service throughout his career and in his life. He had developed his creative side through his love of music and spoke nationally through his personal
experience with the Lupus Foundation. He had a passion for golf and dogs. He was very diverse and accomplished in many areas.

Bill was a patriot, a lover, an advocate, a debater, and a friend. I don’t remember a time, when he was at a loss for words, yet he knew when silence was best served. Blessed with a keen intellect, and once convinced of the merits of his position, he was a formidable advocate for his issue. His assertiveness was, more often than not, balanced with a sincere sense of fairness, and respect for his opponent.

Bill was a loyal spirit, much like the dogs he loved so much. His bonding to kindred souls, regardless of differences of opinion, was remarkable. Some of his best friends were often his polar opposites on world and political views. His spirit was able to transcend those differences and inspire comradeship in many.

Finding and bonding with the essential goodness in others was one of his great strengths. Often through humor and wit, Bill could bridge strong differences in opinion and diffuse anger and confrontation.

His sense of humor was treasured. He was always able to bring laughter to even the most controversial matters. As many of you know, he could incite laughter with a mere gesture or an off-hand remark.

Death was not a stranger to Bill, nor was it a fear of his. He had endured the lost a daughter, family members, friends, and his chosen loved ones.

He faced the possibility of his own death as a young “Top Gun” Marine pilot whose jet was ditched in the ocean and while floating in the water with the pain of burns and wounds, watched sharks encircling him. For endless hours he floated, with nothing to do but wait and hope that help would come.

Bill knew that his own physical illnesses meant that he would leave us soon.

All these experiences left him with a perspective on life that’s not like what you see in the movies when people all of the sudden start giving away their worldly possessions or vow to find the cure for cancer.

Instead, Bill started focusing internally on how he could become a better person.

Bill was not a regular attendee at church services, but he developed and maintained a close relationship with God and was one of the most spiritual people that I’ve ever known.

We miss his presence so much, but we will always be comforted knowing that his spirit lives. I thank God for Bill’s presence in my life, as I’m sure you do … and I thank God for each of you. Be at peace … all is well.


Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
George's poem for Bill Daron.doc
A Poem for Bill from a Deaf Friend
Added by George Adams III
Personal Notes

"...soaring as an eagle with the angels", rest in peace as you experience a reunion with your daughter and dear friends and family. You deserve the rest and you will never be replaced in my heart.
Added by Barbara Garrison
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