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Born:May 6, 1926
Died:October 3, 2004
Crown Point, Indiana

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Esther M. Kendall made her final journey home into eternal life on sunday October 3, 2004. God gave her eternal peace forever. He saw her suffering and whispered "Peace be thine". She had a heart of gold. She touched the lives of so many people. She will greatly be missed but Esther wouldn't want us to be sad but to rejoice for her. She entered a world that knows no pain or grief were she is now whole again. A world that is so beautiful beyond anthing we could ever imagine. AMEM! She is singing her song of Victory and one day those she left behind will sing that same song with her. God blessed our family with with a warm-hearted sincere loving person now heaven is getting that opportunity. She left us all with many memories of her. She was laid to rest on her daughter Marilyns birthday. She couldn't ask for a better gift. A gift of her moms eternal peace. What a special bond they share. I know she is looking down on you smiling with joy that you made her proud.     (Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Love leaves a memory no one can steal) She filled my heart with so many memories. I thank God for blessing me with a special person Im proud to call grandma. I love you grams!! I'll miss you but knowing your set free of all your suffering makes me happy and gets me threw each day.

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