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Born:June 1, 1992
Died:October 3, 2004
Simsbury, CT

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William Brossy was a wonderful kid loved by many. He was the one in every class that would always be remembered. He made things interesting without getting into trouble (at least not too much). He played hockey and football. He was a good person with a kind heart. Even though he got annoying sometimes as my brother, he was always so sweet and funny. He was taken without notice simply by his tendency to not always think before doing something. While waiting to be picked up for football one morning, he was playing with the rope on a tetherball pole because the ball on the end had fallen off. For some reason he tied a loop at the end and mistakenly fell in it leading to his death. It's crazy how something so simple can take away someone so wonderful. No one will ever understand why such a young kid so full of life was taken so soon until we get to heaven and have all the answers, which seems all too far away. All I can say is make all you can out of every moment that you have because you never know when its your time to go. Also, never go to bed angry with some one because they may not be there in the morning to apologize to. Make everything you can out of every relationship and have no regrets.

How can you be gone?
It just doesn’t seem right
Why did you have to die
So quickly, unable to fight?

I sat there in my room
Waiting for you to come back to me
Waiting for this joke to end
Waiting to wake up from this dream

Then when I realized
That you were really gone for good
I shed so many tears
More than I ever thought I could

I miss you my dear brother
I miss your laughter and your smiles
I miss the way you were so annoying
But so funny all the while

But now I have to move on
Though it seems so hard to do
I will never forget you William
And I will never stop loving you

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Personal Notes

Will, I'll miss you so much. You were a good friend to me. I just wish we could still play together. I hope you don't forget all of the great times we had together - Matt Sheary
Added by Anonymous

I am so sad. Will was such a fun kid to be around. He was one of my best friends. - Marcus Cosenza
Added by Anonymous

"Remember the kid with the biggest grin, and the kid who made every moment crazy..." -GB Hagan
Added by Anonymous

"It broke our heart to lose you, but you did not go alone, for part of us went with you, the day God called you home." -Unknown
Added by Anonymous

"Thank you God for the twelve years we had him for" -Elizabeth Brossy
Added by Anonymous

"The only thing that's going to get me through this is the fact that you're happier now at the feet of Jesus than you were here with us. I love you William!" -Victoria Brossy
Added by Anonymous

"you will be greatly missed. we loved your smile and your laughter and your exuberance for life. you have touched my life and of all of those around you. Rest in peace and remember that we will never forget you!!" -STG
Added by Anonymous

“to a kid with a big heart and an even bigger smile” -Julia Wiess
Added by Anonymous
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