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Died:St.Louis Missouri

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I wish to say that this was a truelly remarkable woman.She not only was a loving wife and mother but a terrific grandmother and friend to all who knew her.She lived everyday with a smile even through her pain.She was always there for her children;Sandy,Bonnie;Kevin & Lisa.She was as strong as steel but as sweet as candy.She adored her family and loved her husband Leon with all her heart and soul.I've never met a woman with as much spunk as her.She always had a smile and a pleasant word or two along with a joke to tell.Her best friend Pam was her comforter when all seemed to much to bare.She knew she had a good friend in her when they first met.She truelly misses those talks with Linda as so we all do.may god bless her and take her into his arms and watch over all those of which see loved and cared for.May she rest in loving peace with the angels.Mom for all it's worth.......i love you and you are in my thought each and every day.

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if you are visiting this memorial please add a few of your own words.Lets make this a page mom would be proud of!
Added by Lisa

no farewell words were time to say goodbye you were gone before we knew it and only god knows why.our hearts still ache in sadness and secret tears still flow, what it meant to lose you no one can ever know.but now we know you want us to mourn for you no more to remember all the happy times life still has in store.since you"ll never be forgotten we pledge to you today a hallowed place within our hearts is were you"ll always stay.
Added by your daughter Lisa
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