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Born:Waukegan Illinois
Died:October 20, 2004
Chicago Illinois

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She was a gift from god. She taught us all about strength and to cherish each day we live on this earth. She was precious to all that came in her path. She was a beautiful blooming rose that bloomed a bright light in her smile. Her parnets loved sharing each day with her. She brought light and love in their lives. She is angel that is watching over everyone. She will be forever missed and will be in our hearts forever. God called on her to share what she shared with all of us. Her beautyness and strneght for life.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

She was my sister who i never got to grow with. But i will learn all i can from her life and how she had strength and brought a lesson to me to cherish each day of my life on earth and to never be scared of god because he will reunite me one day with her . I love you Savnnah and i miss you.
Love your Brother Zayvian Wilson

Added by Zayvian Wilson
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