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Born:July 22, 1948
Livingston Montana
Died:October 23, 2004
Portland Oregon

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Cherie Falgren moved to Portland from Montana in 1969 and had been the "Loss Prevention" Operations manager for Wells Fargo Bank for 14 years. She was also a Founding member of a Messianic Synagogue in Portland Oregon Kehilait Ari Yehuda which she attended until the time of her death.

Cherie was a wonderful compassionate giving person who loved her G-D with everything that was in her.
Adonai made her with a childlike heart whose love for others knew no bounds. She taught Messianic dance which she loved. I can remember many times when music would start that she would run to join in the circle, and at times would even dance plate of food in hand.
Now she can dance to her hearts content to the most beautiful music with the angels before her L-rd.
Cherie I'm jealous.
I thank G-d I had the pleasure of knowing a person such as you. You will be missed.

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