Manuel (or Menito to family,aka Bolo in the Christian world) was known throughout many ministries. To name a few; Teen Challenge, Jericho House, Foursquare ministries,and most notably, Victory Outreach. Those who knew him found him to very knowleable in the things of God. There wasn't any person who crossed his path who didn't find him kind,wise,funny and a person who loved all people because that's all he wanted in life to be loved for who he was, just a man who loved and wanted to serve God and not for the fact he had Tourette's Syndrome. Bolo was so unique you couldn't help feeling blessed in his presence. However; he was no stranger to pain and the darker side of life, that is what endeared people to Bolo because he knew of where he'd been...people automatically knew this was a man who had suffered alot and for that he is an overcomer, even in death...