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Born:March 31, 1940
Copperhill Tennesee
Died:July 14, 2000
Tallahassee Florida

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My father was a hard worker he loved his family more than life itself.He enjoyed family get togethers and being with his grandchildren during the holidays.We will miss his laugh and his picking eachday , he was full of life.
He was a truck driver which that was his second best was driving but his dream ended his life on July 14,2000 when he had a massive Heartattack on the road.We never got to say goodbye or how much we loved you.You will be in our Hearts & our Memories.We Love you always.
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

We miss your laugh
we miss your smile
the road once traveled
and every mile.

Added by L Smith
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