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Born:March 11, 1989
Owensboro, Kentucky
Died:July 31, 2003
Owensboro, Kentucky

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Calven was a wonderful dog. Always smiling and always ready to greet anyone new. He loved rides in the car, chasing rabbits and squirrels, and occasionally the house cats. 

His rawhide bone was his favorite possesion. He would carry it room to room so no one else could get it.

Sunny loved him so much. He was HER dog. She followed him, slept with him and mimicked his every action. And when he grew old, lost his eye site and could no longer hear, she was there. Sunny misses him too.

And I miss him.
Jo and Funny Sunny.jpg
Added by Jody

Jo and Calven.jpg
Added by Jody
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

You left your pawprint on my heart with your big smile and loving eyes. I will always love you and never for get you Poopie-Dog!!!
Added by Jody

Dear Doopers ,
You were our first "grand dog" and that term suited you so well .
Your death has left a void that no other pup can ever fill .
We will look for you at Rainbow Bridge ... and I will play with you again and grandaddy will scratch your back .
Until that day comes , big hugs and kisses to you .
Keep watching over your loved ones !

Love ,
Grandma and Grandaddy

Added by Anonymous

Although we never met Calvin , I grew to love you through cyberspace . Many hearts are sad at your leaving , but you left wonderful memories .
Good night Calvin

Added by Rose
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