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Born:Buddy walked into our hearts and home in 1988
Died:August 2, 2003
Buford, GA

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Buddy and Amy were friends from the day they met.  When Amy would come home from, school, or work, or any where he was always sitting by the back door with a smile on his face whenever she came home.  No one was ever as happy to see Amy as Buddy.  He would follow Amy around the house no matter where she went.  If Amy went, Buddy always followed! If Amy closed the door before Buddy could get in he'd make sure to scratch until he could get in.  He loved Amy so much. From the moment he walked up on our patio he captured a place in our hearts that will remain empty for a long time to come.  

He loved playing with all the kitties around the house and just loved helping to groom them, and especially chewing on whiskers!

He was a friend to most...although he did like to nibble on the occasional small child :)

Amy loved Buddy so much. Making the decision to let Buddy go was one of the hardest decisions she ever had to make. He was such a strong boy who would try to do and keep up with anything. His poor old body just got tired, after all, he was 17. When I think of all the years spent with this dog, both good and bad, I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that he came into my life. Who knew you could grow to love something that never spoke one word, yet had a thousand things to say with just the look in his eyes. His eyes were full of compasion and understanding and love.

I'll miss my Buddyboy, and think of him often.
He's smiling...really
Added by Amy
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