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Born:July 15, 1950
clovis, new mexico
Died:October 22, 2002
hudspath county, texas

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Robbie was born in Clovis, NM in 1950 to H.B.(Fuzzy) and Dora Brown. She was the youngest of four children. Her siblings are Wayne Brown (Roswell,NM), Gene Brown (Portales,NM) and Lynda Hand (Amarillo,TX).  She graduated from Clovis High School in 1968. She married Roy Williams of Clovis in 1968. She had Rebecca Ann in 1971. Her and Roy moved to Illinois in 1972 and she had Roy Lynn in 1973.  In 1980 they all moved to Pearland , TX where Ronald Lewis was born. In 1981 they moved to Sweetwater, TX then to Brownwood, Tx where Rebecca (1989) and Roy Lynn (1992) graduated high school.  In 1989 Roy and Robbie divorced.  Robbie moved to San Saba, TX and work for Los Valles Ranch and other places in town.  In 1999 she married Ray Menn of Austin. Whom she was married to at the time of her death.  
Robbie die in a tragic auto accident on Oct. 22, 2002 just outside of El Paso , Tx. She was 52 years old.
She is dearly missed by all her family and friends.

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Personal Notes

I love you mom and you are missed dearly.
Added by rebecca
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