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Born:July 7, 1976
Portsmouth, Virginia
Died:July 6, 1998
Milton, Florida

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Frankie was born 6 weeks prematurely and had to fight from the start to live-and what a fighter he was! He grew into a beautiful blond toddler, bright, curious and loving.

When Frankie was 2, he was diagnosed with autism. Undaunted, he overcame the obstacles and learned to talk and function well within society. A deeply sensitive and caring person, he once expressed his feelings about a deserted home he'd seen and spoke of the great loneliness and sorrow the house must feel without a loving family inside of it. That was always Frankie-he always saw much deeper beneath the surface than anyone knew.

Frankie grew into a young man, and a greatly talented one. He wrote stories, music, played musical instruments, and supported himself thru his music. The little boy whose doctor's said would never be able to care for himself or work unsupervised at anything requiring skill had all been proven wrong.

At the time of his death, Frankie was living in a mobile home that he was buying. Death came at the hands of the unknown, and while there has been much speculation on the subject, nothing can be proved at this time.

Sleep well, Our Beautiful Angel, and know that someday all the mystery will be solved and Justice will have an answer for all of us who love and miss you so much.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Frankie, my son, my darling; words will never say how very much I love and miss you.

Someday, we will be together again at the Gates of Paradise, and until then, I will celebrate every precious moment of the life you had on Earth.

You are always in my heart, safe and strong-where you will stay until I can hold you in my arms again in Heaven.

Added by Frankie's Mom
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