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Born:August 4, 1996
Victoria, Australia
Died:August 4, 2003
Sydney, Australia

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Blossom was the sweetest dog you could ever imagine.  With her funny straight legs and her big cheesy grin.  She was always happy to see you, and she said hello just for the sake of it, not to get a pat in return.  She was just like that.

Blossom was my dog Harry's best friend. They would lay in the same bed together and snuggle, even though Bloss was 3 times the size of Harry. And she was so patient with him when he tugged on her beard.

Blossom never had a cross word to say to anyone. She was everyone's best friend and everyone loved her. She had pals in dogs and humans alike. Her soft nature, her happy face. What at beautiful dog.

Blossy left us suddenly last night. She wasn't sick. She'd had a lovely day walking and playing with her best friend Harry. Then she got up on to the couch, and died.

We will miss her forever.

Personal Notes

Dear Blossum,

I will miss your huge hairy body and your lovely nature..I know you will be around visiting your family, but its such a shame you had to leave so soon.

Love Caroline

Added by Anonymous

Dearest Blossom,
How deeply you will be missed - you were such a special doggy - with those lovely feather duster legs and that wet little beard! Very sad.

Added by Suzie B.

Just wanted to say I was thinking of you Blossy....we miss you.
Added by Anonymous
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