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Born:April 15, 1962
Lowell, Massachusetts
Died:July 21, 2003
Methuen, Massachusetts

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Personal Notes

You are the love of my life - my soulmate. The best fiancee and father a person could ask for. I think of you everyday wishing you were here with us. Even though you were taken from us too early the kids and I now have our own personal guardian angel. We love you with all of our hearts and souls. Someday we will all be together again but until then we will always keep your memory alive !!!!!!!!

Added by Judy

I never had a chance to say thank you for being good to my daughter. It really meant a lot to me to know that you were there for her. I am sure that you are watching over both of the girls now. Thank You for taking good care of my Lizzy.

Added by Anonymous

I was looking back on our life together and my thoughts were how lucky the girls and I were to have such a wonderful loving and caring man in our lives and words cant tell you how much I miss you & love you. I will always love you with all that is inside of me.You are the only man I know of honey that can make heaven a better place than it already is. We miss you and think of you everyday. Honey thank you for the best years of my life.Happy Anniversary Sweetheart!!
Added by Love, Judy
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